Se hela listan på 2. Fully - Angular Admin Template. Fully - Angular Admin Template is a premium Material Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh and professional design. It is a collection of common features and uses cases, UI screens and components that you can use as a whole like a starter template for your next project or cherry-pick the specific features and components you want to add to your existing Angular. Here you will learn angular material mat-card example. you'll learn angular material card grid example. Angular Material provides a wide range of web components which are very easy to implement and use in Angular applications for creating card, badge, forms, steps, menu etc.
You can set up Angular Material in your Angular 10 project using the ng add command: $ cd mat-form-example $ ng add @angular/material You then need to configure or disable animations. Importing the Angular 10 Material Modules When you use [ (ngModel)] on an element, you must define a name attribute for that element. Angular uses the assigned name to register the element with the NgForm directive attached to the parent