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Flexibla lösningar svenska Wärtsilä - YouTube

Wärtsilä Online. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. In 2015, the Wärtsilä 31 engine achieved a Guinness World Records title for the most efficient 4-stroke diesel engine. Wärtsilä revealed manipulation of fuel consumption tests after an internal audit in 2016, with a few hundred engines affected. According to the company, the customer impact of the deviations was marginal. Двигатель Wärtsilä 31 выпускается в конфигурациях с 8-16 цилиндрами и имеет выходную мощность от 4,2 до 9,8 МВт при частоте вращения 720 и 750 об/мин.

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Wärtsilä 31-motorn minskar servicebehovet markant samtidigt som den lyfter verkningsgrad, bränsleflexibilitet och driftsoptimering till nivåer  Teknologikoncernen Wärtsilä lanserar gasmotorn Wärtsilä 31SG för den marina marknaden. Motorn baserar sig på den framgångsrika Wärtsilä  De första kommersiella Wärtsilä 31-motorerna har tillverkats på Wärtsiläs fabrik i Vasa och genomgått godkända leveranstester. Fartyget byggs på Rauma Marine Constructions-varvet i Finland. Beställningen gjordes under tredje kvartalet 2016.

The ship is being built on behalf of FSUE Atomflot, the enterprise of ROSATOM, the State Corporation for Atomic Energy.

Wärtsilä och Uniper bygger stort kraftverk i Tyskland

Wärtsilä 31 är omnämnd i Guinness rekordbok som den mest energieffektiva fyrtakts dieselmotorn. 50 procent lägre koldioxidutsläpp. I leveransen från Wärtsilä ingår också gastankar, The Wärtsilä 31 engine, which has been recognised by Guinness World Records as being the world’s most efficient 4-stroke diesel engine, has been chosen as the main engine for a new purse seiner/trawler being built by the Danish shipbuilder Karstensen Shipyard. Wärtsilä är specialiserade inom diverse kraftlösningar för marin- och energisektorn.

Innovationer, forskning och utveckling - Wärtsilä Delårsrapport

Wärtsilä 31

The engine's modular design makes it easier  23 Oct 2020 P&O Ferries' new series of 'super ferries' will be powered by Wärtsilä 31 engines fitted with the latest Wärtsilä Data Communication units. 24 Sep 2020 The 168-metre Antarctic Provider is powered by the award-winning Wärtsilä 31 engine, which is designed for best-in-class fuel efficiency. The Wärtsilä 31 engine application range was expanded during the year, with the Wärtsilä 31SG pure gas engine being made available to the marine sector,  18 Sep 2019 The Wärtsilä 31SG engine further reduces the total cost of ownership and the environmental footprint for vessels operating in regions where  13 May 2020 The Wärtsilä 31SG drive technology is specifically designed for variable power generation. It provides the means to react quickly to balance  13 Apr 2020 The Wärtsilä 31 is recognised as the world's most efficient 4-stroke diesel engine. Image: Wärtsilä.

CMl löser konflikter. Sidan 15. Mobil säkerhet. Sidan 18. Wärtsilä formar framtidens energimarknad  Investegate announcements from Wärtsilä Oyj Abp, Byggandet av Wärtsilä Netherlands Telefon: +31 (0) 38 425 3451 eller +31 (0) 6 5191  OP WÄRTSILÄ AUTOCALL 31/2019 Aktie: Wärtsilä Oyj Abp (ISIN: FI0009003727, Bloomberg Ticker, WRT1V FH. Equity).
Sveriges utsläpp av växthusgaser 2021

Wärtsilä 31

Wärtsilä 31 -moottorilla on huomattavasti pienempi huoltotarve ja sen polttoainetehokkuus ja -joustavuus sekä toiminnan optimointi nousevat täysin uudelle tasolle, jolle mitkään olemassa olevat tuotteet eivät ole yltäneet The Wärtsilä 31 engines will facilitate a significant improvement in vessel operations, making it extremely competitive on the market. This new icebreaker, powered by Wärtsilä 31 engines, will be the most technologically advanced ship of its kind in the whole world," noted FSUE Atomflot First Deputy Director General - Chief Engineer Mustafa Kashka.

Wärtsilä 31.
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Säkerhetsinformationsblad Träskgatan Wärtsilä SWE

The technology group Wärtsilä launches the Wärtsilä 31SG pure gas engine for  How Wärtsilä was able to reduce complexity and accelerate value creation for the world's most efficient engine thanks to modularity and configuration. 19 apr 2020 Un pilota di un MiG-31 russo che scorta un bombardiere strategico Tu-95MS, ha filmato un incontro con un F-16.