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ANKES IN-PA-ATON married (at age 6) her uncle Toutankh-Aton, (who was 9 years old) : he changed his name to TOUTANKH- AMON. Akhenaton instilled the first recorded monotheistic religion, with the only god being the sun god Aton. He changed his name to sound like the new god. He may have done this as a political move, as the priests were becoming too powerful. He considered himself the sole interpreter of the god as well.

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Konstnärer. Afrika. Kunst A fine sand stone head, Egypt, possibly depicting Maket-Aton, a daughter. Barcelona, Spain - Dec 27th, 2019: Akhenaton making floral offerings to Aton. Isolated vector Central colonnade of Karnak temple in Luxor at sunrise, Egypt. [Akhenaton.

Akhenaton, from the temple of Aton, Karnak, Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1353-1335 BCE. Sandstone, 13′ high.


Akhenaten och nefertiti med sina barn akhenaton, född som amenhotep at the beginning of his reign in his new temple to the aten at karnak. During new kingdom was the architecture most temples for the gods, but in old Re var inte längre faraos fader, utan Aton var fader till Akhenaten.

Famous pharaohs Ancient egyptian art, Egyptian art, Ancient

Akhenaton temple of aton

1353-1335 B.C. Sandstone. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. The pharaoh Amenhotep IV, who was later known as Akhenaton, is portrayed in this statue. 2021-04-21 · Since October 1966, an expedition of the University Museum has been engaged in a study of polychrome relief-cut blocks from the Aten Temple built by Akhenaten at Thebes (modern Karnak) in the early years of his reign. Map of Egypt. Akhenaten (1367-1350 B.C.) ruled an Egyptian empire, extending into Syria, Palestine and the Sudan which had been 2017-10-07 · This is a painted limestone façade of a shrine that dates back to the new Kingdom, 18 th Dynasty, the reign of Akhenaton.

Agradecimentos a Roger Bottini que escreveu o Livro Akhenaton e hoje se encontra no Mundo Espiritual, a editora do Conhecimento por editar esta magnífica obr El temple d'Amenhotep IV (o Amenofis IV), situat dins del complex religiós de Karnak a Luxor (), és un conjunt arquitectònic d'edificis dedicats al culte al déu Aton.El temple es fa servir durant els primers quatre anys del regnat del faraó Akhenaton, mentre encara es fa dir Amenhotep IV, tot i que es podria haver començat a construir a finals del regnat del seu pare i predecessor 2021-03-20 · Identified with the sun disk, Aton was declared the universal and only god by Akhenaton. Akhenaton removed the name Amen from all inscriptions, his father’s name as well as his own. He also enraged the priests by emptying the great temple and moving the capital to a site he naming it Akhetaton after his new god.
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Akhenaton temple of aton

fortification médiévale Aton Association francophone utilisateurs logiciels libres ASCII Alger Amérique Akhenaton (rappeur) amarnien Atari  Materiell rikedom räckte inte för farao Akhenaton. farao som en levande symbol för solskivan Aton, som upphöjdes till Egyptens riksgud. På 1300-talet före Kristus försökte farao Akhenaton byta ut de traditionella gudarna mot en gud: solguden Aton. Införandet av den nya guden  I were informed about another ancient temple.

1353-1335 BCE. Ahkenaton's religious changes. Akhenaton instilled the first recorded monotheistic religion, with the only god being the sun god Aton. He changed his name to sound like the new god.
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Nefertiti’s name was expanded to Neferneferuaten (“Beautiful Is the Beauty of Aton”)-Nefertiti. That same year Akhenaten moved his capital to a new site some 200 miles (300 km) north of Thebes. -Akhenaton's general change to the religion was basically that there was only one god, Aton.-In order to fully in force this he cut off all funds for the temples.--The temples funds now go to everything involving Aton and of course Akhenaton, the only one who interacts with Aton. The pharaoh Akhenaton (reigned 1353–36 bce) returned to supremacy of the sun god, with the startling innovation that the Aton was to be the only god (see Re). To remove himself from the preeminent cult of Amon-Re at Thebes, Akhenaton built the city Akhetaton (now Tell el … 2017-10-07 He took the name Akhenaton, closed the temples of the rejected gods and left the capital of Thebes for the barren, desert lands of Amarna. The new capital [vii] was built on a grand scale with four palaces, wide-open spaces and an airy temple to Aton (David 2002).