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To me Similarly, are coffee grounds good for peace lilies? Just save a little of your leftover coffee grounds and sprinkle them onto the soil, then water your plant as normal. This is a great way to make those flowering plants that refuse to bloom start blooming again as well. Geraniums in particular just love coffee, and so do Peace Lily plants!

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A couple of posts ago, I wrote about how peace lilies grow really well when you add the right amount of coffee grounds. It might seem like an odd marriage, coffee grounds & your plant, but you tried it for your peace lilies and lo and behold, they thrived. A little coffee or fresh coffee grounds will do wonders for your peace lilies. Be sure to test the pH level of you peace lily soil as you go through the process of adding coffee to its soil. Houseplants that like coffee. You want the best for your houseplants.

lighting and outlet circuits, the internet, the computer and the coffee maker. and, ultimately, her nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17.

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Peace lilies are generally grown in the ground outdoors only in tropical habitats such as Florida or Hawaii; elsewhere, they are grown only as potted plants. If you have potted peace lilies, you can move them outside during the summer months, but once temperatures dip, bring them back inside. have always heard coffee grounds are slightly acidic, so I put them in the composter and use the compost a few months later.

500px / Photo "Le jardin de Benedicte" by Imperio Jp - Pinterest

Do peace lilies like coffee grounds

The grounds are acidic, too, lowering your soil’s pH. The fact that some plants go well with coffee grounds doesn’t mean you should add them mindlessly. You’ll want to follow some tips if you want to ensure you gain the desired results. For coffee composts, you should perfectly adjust the mix ratio to avoid over-acidity.

Anything under 7.0 is considered acidic. To answer the question – yes, peace lilies prefer acidic to mildly acidic soils.
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Do peace lilies like coffee grounds

Are coffee grounds good for peace lilies? Yes, coffee grounds can be good for your peace lilies. Primarily as a fertilizer due to their high nutrient content. The grounds are acidic, too, lowering your soil’s pH.

Yes, coffee grounds can be good for your peace lilies. Primarily as a fertilizer due to their high nutrient content. The grounds are acidic, too, lowering your soil’s pH.
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Peace lilies decorate many homes and offices. As I write this, I am looking at a peace lily in my living room. You, like me, may be wondering if your peace lily will like coffee grounds. Peace lilies like slightly acidic soil.