Läraryrkets etik och värdepedagogiska praktik - Smakprov


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The method used in this study is critical incident technique focusing ethical dilemmas in teaching. The findings add a phenomenon to previous research of moral stress in other professions; moral stress can be caused not only by external regulations, but also by internal moral imperatives in conflict with one another. The aim of this study is to explore ethical dimensions in the teaching profession, by studying ethical conflicts in teachers' everyday life in relation to students, parents and colleagues. Another issue is to explore the variation among teachers in their solutions to ethical conflicts.

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Waller, 1961). For example, when teacher is teaching in a classroom, the teacher will have to decide whether to focus on one needy pupil or on all pupils equally said by Colnerud (1997). If a teacher focuses on majority of students’ performance and continues with the lesson ignoring students whom are weak, they will be left behind and vice versa; this can cause ethical dilemma in teachers. The importance of ethics in the teaching profession Marta Gluchmanova* Technical University of Kosice, Bayerova 1, Presov, 08001 Presov, Slovakia Abstract Speaking about the profession of teacher, it is necessary to consider contemporary global ethical issues in education and educational research. Manner in teaching: A study in observing and interpeting teachers’ moral virtues Fallona, C. Volume 16, Issue 7, October 2000, pp. 681-695. Ethical conflicts in teaching Colnerud, G. Volume 13, Issue 6, 1997, pp.

Norms of collegial loyalty keep them from defending the pupils against their colleagues. Ethical Conflicts in Teaching One interpretation of this phenomenon is that teachers reinforce the socialising task in teaching by adopting such a restrictive attitude (cf.

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often place teachers in ethical dilemmas Colnerud, (1997). Colnerud, Gunnel. Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för Nyckelord [en].


Colnerud ethical conflicts in teaching

Colnerud g 2015 moral stress in teaching practice. This preview shows page 66 - 70 out of 85 pages. Psychology, 104 (4), 1189–1204. Colnerud, G. (2015) Moral stress in teaching practice. Teachers and Teaching, 21 (3), 346–360, doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.953820. Cosgrove, J. (2000). Norms of collegial loyalty keep them from defending the pupils against their colleagues.

Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(6), 627–635. CrossRef Google Scholar Ethical conflicts in teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(6), 627–635.
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Colnerud ethical conflicts in teaching

Det finns även en ambition att studien kan bidra till att utveckla ett gemensamt yrkesspråk (Colnerud. Utförlig titel: Läraryrkets etik och värdepedagogiska praktik, Gunnel Colnerud Ledarskap enligt dilemmamodellen 55; Identifierad osäkerhet eller imaginär Moral education - moralisk normpåverkan 155; Regelfokuserad ansats 156  Popularity, Competition and Conflict among Junior High School Girls..121 Teaching and Learning in the Age of Information. Mahwah, New Colnerud gör ett försök att definiera etik och moral med hjälp av ordens härledning. Etik är  pedagogik medan 'moral education' har en vidare innebörd där även elever- praktiken, men enligt Colnerud (2004) bör man inte förledas att tro att en ler lathundar har begränsad räckvidd: så fort något nytt dilemma dyker upp. varje dag moral i sin verksamhet - direkt eller indirekt.

Läraryrkets etik och värdepedagogiska praktik Gunnel Colnerud. Liber 54 Ledarskap enligt dilemmamodellen. teacher education commonly lacks an explicit moral language” (Sanger & Osguthorpe, 2014). Det gäller  och Teachers and Teaching, publicerades under 1995 två artiklar om det.
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I internationella sammanhang används ofta termerna »moral education»,. »values kan ses som en angelägen uppgift, vilket Colnerud (2004) tar sig an när hon value issues in the classroom, children may be more likely to develop. Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 130 avhandlingar innehållade orden moral practice. Sammanfattning : The journalistic practice is permeated by ethical issues. Författare :Robert Thornberg; Gunnel Colnerud; Solveig Hägglund; Linköpings universitet; [] Focus has been on rule practice between teachers and students, which has  av A Frelin · Citerat av 39 — conceived as the instantiation of teacher professionalism, which is enacted by a community of uppnå mål som är komplexa – till och med motstridiga (jfr Colnerud.